abbr. | abbreviation |
absol. | absolute |
adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
Aeron. | Aeronautics |
Anat. | Anatomy |
Anglo-Ind. | Anglo-Indian |
Antiq. | Antiquity |
Archaeol. | Archaeology |
Archit. | Architecture |
assim. | assimilated |
Astrol. | Astrology |
Astron. | Astronomy |
Astronaut. | Astronautics |
attrib. | attributive |
attrib. adj. | attributive adjective |
Austral. | Australian |
aux. | auxiliary |
Bibl. | Biblical |
Biochem. | Biochemistry |
Biol. | Biology |
Bot. | Botany |
Brit. | British |
Chem. | Chemistry |
Cinematog. | Cinematography |
collect. | collective |
colloq. | colloquial |
comb. | combination; combining |
compar. | comparative |
compl. | complement |
conj. | conjunction |
contr. | contraction |
demons. adj. | demonstrative adjective |
demons. pron. | demonstrative pronoun |
derog. | derogatory |
dial. | dialect |
Eccl. | Ecclesiastical |
Econ. | Economics |
Electr. | Electricity |
ellipt. | elliptical |
emphat. | emphatic |
esp. | especially |
euphem. | euphemism |
Exod. | Exodus |
fem. | feminine |
foll. | followed |
Gen. | Genesis |
Geol. | Geology |
Geom. | Geometry |
Gk | Greek |
Gram. | Grammar |
Hist. | History |
hist. | with historical reference |
imper. | imperative |
Ind. | of the subcontinent comprising India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh |
infin. | infinitive |
int. | interjection |
interrog. | interrogative |
interrog. adj. | interrogative adjective |
interrog. adv. | interrogative adverb |
interrog. pron. | interrogative pronoun |
Ir. | Irish |
iron. | ironical |
joc. | jocular |
Judg. | Judges |
Lev. | Leviticus |
Ling. | Linguistics |
masc. | masculine |
Math. | Mathematics |
Matt. | Matthew |
Mech. | Mechanics |
Med. | Medicine |
Meteorol. | Meteorology |
Mil. | Military |
Mineral. | Mineralogy |
Mus. | Music |
Mythol. | Mythology |
n. | noun |
Naut. | Nautical |
neg. | negative |
N.Engl. | Northern English | | noun plural |
NZ | New Zealand |
obj. | objective |
offens. | offensive |
opp. | as opposed to |
orig. | originally |
Parl. | Parliament |
part. | participle |
past part. | past participle |
Pharm. | Pharmacy; Pharmacology |
Philos. | Philosophy |
Phonet. | Phonetics |
Photog. | Photography |
phr. | phrase |
Physiol. | Physiology |
pl. | plural |
poet. | poetical |
Polit. | Politics |
poss. | possessive (case) |
poss. pron. | possessive pronoun |
prec. | preceded |
predic. | predicative |
predic. adj. | predicative adjective |
prep. | preposition |
pres. | present |
pres. part. | present participle |
pron. | pronoun |
pronunc. | pronunciation |
propr. | proprietary term |
Psychol. | Psychology |
RC Ch. | Roman Catholic Church |
ref. | reference |
refl. | reflexive |
rel. adj. | relative adjective |
rel. adv. | relative adverb |
Relig. | Religion |
rel. pron. | relative pronoun |
Rev. | Revelations |
rhet. | rhetorical |
Rom. | Roman |
S.Afr. | South African |
Sc. | Scottish |
Sci. | Science |
sing. | singular |
Stock Exch. | Stock Exchange |
superl. | superlative |
symb. | symbol |
Theatr. | Theatre |
Theol. | Theology |
US | American, in American use |
usu. | usually |
v. | verb |
var. | variant |
v.aux. | auxiliary verb |
v.refl. | reflexive verb |
Zool. | Zoology |