
Hidato (from Hebrew: "my puzzle") is a puzzle invented by Gyora Benedek, an Israeli mathematician. The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid with consecutive numbers that connect horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

In every Hidato puzzle the smallest and the highest number are presented in the grid. There are more numbers on the board to help to direct the player how to start the solution and to ensure that Hidato has only a single solution.


Cross+A can solve puzzles from 3 x 3 to 30 x 30.

The program can generate puzzles, but with some restrictions for the shape of grids. The algorithm doesn't allow narrow "stripes" with width of 1 cell and length of 3 cells or more. Also, every cell must have at least 2 "neighbours" (i.e. it must adjoin to 2 cells in which numbers may be set).

Examples of grids with unallowable shapes:

Unallowable grids