The authors of Cross+A express their thanks to the following people:
- A.A. Averianov, A.P. Aleshin, A.S. Anikin, I. Antipov, Y.A. Chistyakov, A.G. Frolova, S. Kakunov, A.S. Kolesnikov, V.M. Korneev, Y. Movsesov, Y. Nekrasov, S. Pronyakin, V.N. Russkikh, S.L. Ryabinin, I.D. Semenov, L. Shabashov, A. Shitov, I.A. Telitsyn, F.S. Toltser, M.F. Tyklin, K. Vlasov, H.R. Yusupov, S. Zemlyanov (for the valuable advices and the assistance in the creation of the databases);
- Nick "Boss" Shriver and Sam Gabbler (for the data compression algorithm);
- Alexander Obukhov (for the spell checker component);
- Rushan Bakeev, Yuri Belyaev, Vladislav Budi, Maxim Fyodorov, Ilya Klimov, Valery Murashkin, Alexander Popov, Irek Rakhmankulov, Alexey Rokotov, Alexander Shmalko, Semyon Sorokin, Dmitry Vasilko, Jevgenij Volosatov, Alexey Yuzhakov and Alexey Zhuravlyov (for the algorithms of solving and creating of puzzles);
- Sergey Basov, Vladimir Gayda and Tatyana Kharitonova (for design of icons);
- Dmitry Kharybin (for design of the application);
- Roman Gritsina, Peter Longauer, Regine Müller, Veikko Muurikainen, David "Cheyenne" One, Victoria Isabel Pérez Plana, Juris Popelis, Armands Radzuška, Flip van Rijn, Gabriele Simionato, Cristian Stefan, Anastasia Tumanova, Lyubov Tyurina, Andrzej Wiśniewski, Kajcsa Zsolt (for translation);
- The Beatles, Avril Lavigne and Yui (for our good mood during software development).
© 1998-2024 Sergey Kutasov, Ilya Morozov