什么是SAPI,是做什么用的? |
Speech Application Programming Interface 或 SAPI是由Microsoft集团设计的一套语音功能软件,其主要用途是让其他软件能使用电脑语音合成的功能。目前有SAPI两版(SAPI 4 和SAPI 5),相互不兼容。Windows 2000 操作系统使用过SAPI 4,而Windows XP及其他最新的版本使用SAPI 5。将软件的两个版本在同一的电脑上下载并安装以后,可以使用所有(旧和新)的语音合成器。 |
我在哪里能找到SAPI 4? |
为了使用SAPI 4语音功能,需要下载并安装一套Microsoft Speech API 4.0。
而且也可以下载并安装Microsoft Speech Control Panel;语音设定会添加到控制面板中。 |
我在哪里能找到SAPI 5? |
Windows XP及随后的版本已有SAPI 5。 |
如何知道我的电脑上已安装什么声音? |
已安装的声音在这里可以看:Control Panel(控制面板)
Speech Properties(语音属性)
Text To Speech(文字转成语音)
Voice selection(选择声音) |
如何自动安装软件? |
为了自动安装软件,需要在命令行中输入 -silent 钥匙。 |
在软件中打开DjVu格式文件,但文件是空的。为什么? |
DjVu格式是为了保存扫描文档而设计的格式,就是说,DjVu格式压缩并保存书、杂志等的图像。而且,DjVu格式有OCR文字层,该层保存页上的文字。文字层的文档有时候叫做 DjVu+OCR。Balabolka软件只能从文字层提取文字。如果无法使用文字层,唯一的提取文字的办法是进行光学识别,例如,使用FineReader软件。 |
在我的电脑上有两个声卡。如何选择需要的语音设备? |
在Windows控制面板中可以选择语音设备;例如,在"Speech"(语音)点击"Audio Output"(音频输出)按钮。对于SAPI 5声音,声卡也可以在Balabolka软件中选择,在声音栏上点击“音频输出”按钮。 |
我有64位Windows。我安装了适合于Microsoft Speech Platform的Runtime 64位模块和中文声音。但是在Balabolka软件中可用的声音目录是空的。为什么? |
Balabolka软件是32位的软件,因此需要安装适合于Microsoft Speech Platform的Runtime 32位模块。 |
我要删除在列头上的破折号。如何删除? |
进入主菜单中的编辑 => 替换。在“查找”输入^p—,在“替换”输入^p。软件能在“查找”和“替换”窗口上输入Microsoft Word常用的大部分专门代码:
- ^p
- 段落标记
- ^t
- 制表标记
- ^nnn
- ASCII符号(nnn是符号代码)
- ^0nnn
- ANSI符号(0是零,nnn是符号代码)
- ^Unnnnn
- Unicode字符编码的符号(nnnnn是符号代码)
- ^+
- 长破折号 ( — )
- ^=
- 短破折号 ( – )
- ^^
- ^符号
- ^s
- 不间断空格
- ^?
- 任何符号(只在"查找"窗口)
- ^#
- 任何数字(只在"查找"窗口)
- ^$
- 任何字母(只在"查找"窗口)
- ^c
- Windows剪贴板的内容(只在"替换"窗口)
- ^&
- "查找"的内容(只在"替换"窗口)
什么是Google Text-To-Speech? |
在Google网站上使用翻译功能时,在翻译的文字旁边有“Listen”(听)按钮。点击该按钮时,浏览器从Google网站下载包含语音翻译的MP3音频文件。语音合成的功能支持30个语言。只能配音100个字以下的短文。对于Balabolka软件,没有什么限制:长文分为短部分,每个部分下载音频文件,然后所有的文件合成一个音频文件。 |
我打开程序Balabolka电子书时,在程序中的没有文本。怎么啦? |
会有几种解释。首先,文件可能是一组扫描图像纸书的页。其次,电子书可以保护数字版权管理。Balabolka程序无法从有这样的保护一本书(这将是非法的)中提取文本。 |
"读书方法的Spritz"是什么? |
这个速读法,是由美国公司的Spritz开发的。该方法包括:在文本分裂为单个单词和连续的显示它们同用彩色高亮最佳的识别点。这使取得高达每分钟1000单词读取速度,不用专门的培训。该技术的基本原理是显著大量的时间都花在移动读者的眼睛从一个单词到另一个。给用户放映着在同一个地方互换的单词,该Spritz技术达到了效果,当眼球运动被减少到几乎为零。还有下列的问题:人的大脑能够处理阅读的单词和把它们结合起来的速度。 |
Windows 10 has the new voices Microsoft Kangkang Mobile and Microsoft Yaoyao Mobile, but they are not available in text-to-speech software. Is it possible to unlock the new voices? |
By default, the Microsoft mobile voice (also known as "OneCore") is locked for using in text-to-speech software via SAPI 5. You can unlock it with a simple registry tweak. Download the archive, extract the file for your language and for your version of the operating system ("mobile_x86.reg" for 32bit and "mobile_x64.reg" for 64bit), click the right mouse button on the file's name and choose the context menu item "Merge". The Microsoft mobile voice will appear in the list of the available voices in Balabolka.
Alternatively, the utility SAPI Unifier can be used for the same purpose. |
Windows 11 introduces more natural voices, such as Microsoft Jenny and Microsoft Aria. How can I access them with SAPI 5? |
This problem can be fixed with the NaturalVoiceSAPIAdapter utility. It will add new speech engines to the SAPI 5 voice list; it can also add the voices available in the Microsoft Edge browser to this list. More information can be found here. Since Balabolka is a 32-bit application, you should install the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the utility (see "Installation Status" in the utility's window). You can download the latest release of the utility. |
I have Windows 11 24H2 installed on my computer. In Balabolka, I press the "Read aloud" button: the application reads the first two words in the text and crashes out. Why does this happen? |
Here's what we know about the problem that appears after installing the 24H2 update for Windows 11: if the user's monitor contains speakers, if the graphics card and the monitor are connected by a cable that transmits sound – this leads to unstable work of the Balabolka program, it periodically crashes, and in the event log the MMDevApi.dll system library is specified as the cause of the crash. But if you connect speakers or headphones to the audio jack on the motherboard of the same computer, the Balabolka program works stably.
The problem occurs in 32-bit applications that use the IMMNotificationClient interface. Until Microsoft developers fix the problem, here's the situation: if you installed the 24H2 update for Windows 11 and the text-to-speech application starts crashing, connect your audio output device to a different port on your computer. I wrote to Microsoft support about this situation, but they ignored my messages. We all have to wait for Microsoft developers to fix the problem.
A user from Japan, Ikuo Kurihara, found one more way to fix the problem: first you need to launch Windows Media Player Legacy (click the "Start" button and type this name in the search bar), open any audio file in the player, start playing it and immediately pause; then launch Balabolka. In this case, the text-to-speech application will work stably. "Windows Media Player Legacy" is a 32-bit application, just like Balabolka. This method will also work with any other 32-bit audio player. |