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Balabolka Utility for Online Translation Using

The command line application allows to use online translation services. You can also translate subtitles into another language (keeping time marks inside text). The utility can be used for testing purposes.

Online services with translation technologies:

  • Alibaba
  • Baidu
  • Google
  • Iciba
  • iTranslate
  • LibreTranslate
  • Lingvanex
  • Microsoft
  • Naver
  • Prompt
  • Reverso
  • Sogou
  • Systran
  • Yandex
Console application to use online translation services

Download Balabolka (Online Translation Utility)

Size: MB
Version: Changelog
Licence: Freeware
Operating System:

Command Line

The utility handles various command line parameters to be able to translate text and save it as a new file. The command line options use the syntax "baltran [options ...]", all parameters must be separated by a space. Options can appear in any order on the command line so long as they are paired with their related parameters. All parameters are not case sensitive. Use the "baltran -?" command line to get help on the command line syntax and parameters.

-n service_name
Sets the name of the online translation service ("alibaba" or "a", "baidu" or "b", "google" or "g", "iciba" or "k", "itranslate" or "t", "libre" or "l", "lingvanex" or "v", "microsoft" or "m", "naver" or "n", "prompt" or "p", "reverso" or "r", "sogou" or "s", "systran" or "c", "yandex" or "y"). The command line may contain few options -n.
Selects all translation services.
-e service_name
Excludes the translation service from usage.
-s language_name
Sets the source language name. The name is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter lowercase culture code associated with a language and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region. For example: fr-FR. The short variant of the language name also can be used (for example, "fr"), but this alternative should be used with caution. The value "auto" is used to detect the language of input text (likewise, the utility will automatically detect the language if the option is not specified).
-d language_name
Sets the target language name. For example: en-US. The short variant of the language name also can be used (for example, "en").
Prints the list of supported languages for the online service.
-f file_name
Sets the name of the input text file. The command line may contain few options -f.
-fl file_name
Sets the name of the text file with the list of input files (one file name per line). The command line may contain few options -fl.
-w file_name
Sets the name of the output text file. If more than one service was used for translation, the new text file will contain all translation variants.
Gets the text input from the clipboard.
-t text
Gets the text input from the command line. The command line may contain few options -t.
Gets the text input from STDIN.
Writes the translated text to STDOUT; if the option is specified, the option -w is ignored.
-a integer
Alternates between original and translated text. You can use one of the modes by specifying its number:
  • 1: original paragraph + translated paragraph;
  • 2: translated paragraph + original paragraph;
  • 3: original sentence + translated sentence;
  • 4: translated sentence + original sentence.
Adds to the translation the definition of the word from the reference book (if the service provides such option). Usually this option is implemented when translating separate words.
Adds to the translation the information about the detected language (if the source language identifier is not specified on the command line).
--input-enc encoding or -ie encoding
Sets the input text encoding ("ansi", "utf8" or "unicode"). If the option is not specified, the utility will detect the text encoding.
--output-enc encoding or -oe encoding
Sets the encoding for the saved text file with translation ("ansi", "utf8" or "unicode"). The default encoding is "utf8".
-ln integer
Selects a line from the text file by using of a line number. The line numbering starts at "1". The interval of numbers can be used for selecting of more than one line (for example, "26-34"). The command line may contain few options -ln.
Input text will be processed as subtitles. The utility supports the SRT format only. The option may be useful, when the options -i or -c are specified.
-host host_name
Sets the hostname of the proxy server.
-port integer
Sets the port number of the proxy server.
Display progress information in a console window.
-cfg file_name
Sets the name of the configuration file with the command line options (a text file where each line contains one option). If the option is not specified, the file baltran.cfg in the same folder as the utility will be used.
Prints the list of available command line options.


Create the text file LANGUAGE.TXT with the list of all supported languages for the Google translation service:

baltran -n Google -m > language.txt

Translate text from BOOK.TXT to German and save as NEW.TXT:

baltran -f "d:\Text\book.txt" -w "d:\Text\new.txt" -n Yandex -s auto -d de-DE

Translate subtitles from French to Spanish:

baltran -f "d:\Subs\" -w "d:\Subs\" -n Reverso -s fr-FR -d es-ES

Translate the text file from Korean to Japanese using all available services (except PROMPT):

baltran -f "d:\Text\book.txt" -w "d:\Text\new.txt" -all -e Prompt -s ko -d ja

Translate the word from English to Chinese and add the reference information:

baltran -t "house" -w "d:\Text\word.txt" -n Microsoft -s en-US -d zh-CN -r

Configuration File

The command line options can be stored as a configuration file "baltran.cfg" in the same folder as the utility.

The sample configuration file:

-f d:\Text\book.txt
-w d:\Text\book_translated.txt
-n Google
-n Microsoft
-s de-DE
-d en-US

The utility may combine options from the configuration file and the command line.


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