We are often asked when the new version of the software will be released, what new types of puzzles will be added, what new settings will appear in the application.
We regret to inform you that right now the future of Cross+A is uncertain.
Sergey Kutasov is ill with cancer, he underwent surgery, but his condition is serious. He no longer deals with issues related to software developing.
Ilya Morozov is under police investigation: he expressed regret about soldiers who die in a "special military operation", and now Morozov is awaiting trial.
Russian police seized his computer, laptops, flash drives and external hard disks. Some of the Cross+A sources were lost: it will take time to restore them.
Users will be able to download and purchase the current version of the application. But it is not known if a new version of Cross+A will ever be released.
Installing Cross+A
I used the previous version of Cross+A (added new words and edited existing descriptions in the program's database). Now I have download the new version of the program. What must I do to keep my changes in the database? |
Before the the new version installing it is recommended to copy the file crossa.dic from the folder 'Documents\Cross+A' to the temporary folder. Install the new version of Cross+A, run it and choose the main menu item "File | Text File Import". Choose the name of the file crossa.dic saved in the temporary folder and insert words into the new database. |
Should I uninstall an older version of Cross+A before installing the newer one? |
Yes, we strongly recommend you to do that. |
I found a registration code for Cross+A on the hacker's server. Why should I pay money for the program registration when I could get it free? |
We don't guarantee the correct work of Cross+A with registration codes found on the hacker's servers. It can be dangerous to your computer. |
The application crashes or dispays characters with the wrong encoding when the "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" region setting is enabled on Windows 10. How can the problem be solved? |
It is recommended to disable this setting. Open the Control Panel and select the Region settings. In the Region dialog window, on the Administrative tab, click Change system locale and deactivate Beta: Use UTF-8 for worldwide language support setting. Click OK and restart your computer. |
Spell Checking
Does Cross+A support check spelling? |
Yes, it does. The program can use language modules from Microsoft Office 97/2000 for spell checking. If Microsoft Office is not installed on your computer, or you use the other version of Microsoft Office, you can download the spell checking component from our web-site. Also the free spell checkers Hunspell, Aspell and Ispell can be used. |
Does Cross+A allow me to solve puzzles manually on the screen? |
No, the program supports the automatic mode of the puzzle solving only. |
I tried to solve the nonogram puzzle 50 x 50 in Cross+A, but even after few hours the puzzle was not solved. Why? |
The logic puzzles may be very complicated. Some of them can not be solved by logic methods only. The solving of such tasks will demand the using of computing mathematics methods with large-scale calculations. |
Does Cross+A create puzzles with unique solutions? |
Yes, the created puzzle has only one solution. |
Does Cross+A create puzzles, that can be solved by human-like logic only? |
We can not promise this. The program creates puzzles, using both logic methods and brute force algorithms. |
Can the generated puzzles be used for commercial purposes? |
Yes. Puzzles you create with Cross+A is completely free to use any way you like, including for commercial purposes.
But you can not copy the description of the puzzle's rules from our web-site. You have to rephrase text before publishing (you can use synonyms, change the order of words, etc.). |
Can Cross+A solve Jigsaw Sudoku? |
Yes. Jigsaw Sudoku is the variation of the classic Sudoku with irregularly shaped regions (blocks). The Sudoku solver window contains the button Regions. You may click this button and change the default layout of regions. Also the Sudoku generator window contains the option Generate random regions automatically: if the option is selected, the application will create a new layout of regions for every puzzle. |
If you have a personal question, please send a message and we shall answer you as soon as possible.